Offset your flight's carbon footprint.

Compensate for your journey's carbon emissions by supporting trusted climate projects located in the areas where Jazeera Airways operates.



Start making your carbon footprint count.

Offsetting your carbon footprint with Jazeera means that you support projects that reduce, capture or avoid carbon emissions in an amount equivalent to that of your calculated carbon footprint. The projects are carefully selected by CHOOOSE carbon professionals and verified by the most comprehensive and stringent certification standards. Your contribution contributes to multiple Sustainable Development Goals, providing social benefits and improving the lives of those hardest hit by climate change.

Trusted climate action.

Meet Jazeera's climate partner CHOOOSE, a climate technology company that is headquartered in Oslo, Norway. Together with its ecosystem of industry partners and individual supporters, the CHOOOSE platform is accelerating access and adoption of climate solutions across a range of key technologies.


Need support?

This solution is hosted and delivered by CHOOOSE, a Jazeera Airways partner.

Email support at

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© Copyright 2021 Jazeera Airways & CHOOOSE. All rights reserved.